Centrifuge Separator

Centrifuge Separator

It’s a multifunctional machine that can wash-clean, dry and separates crushed plastics materials such as PE, PP, PET, and LDPE

While rotor on centrifuge turns at 1500 rpm the perforated trommel around it turns opposite direction for maximum intensive cleaning. Rotor at high speed with centrifugal principle collects all heavy plastics at bottom of machine and same time all the water and none plastics thrown out from perforated trommel holes.

  • Drying is done mechanically without
  • Reduces moist level less than %1
  • Trommel holes diameter changeable it depends on process to be
  • Depends on process rotor and trommel speed ranges from 1000-1500
  • Easy access to trommel cleaning and
  • According to customers request and needs drying and washing capacity range 500kg/hr to 3500 kg/hr
Length of Rotor (mm) 1200 1400 1500
Piece of rotor wings  20 22 24
Weight (kg) 2000 2500 3000
Drive (kW) 37 55 75
Capacity (kg/h) <500 500-1000 >1000

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